Future Classrooms

Future of the Classroom

Student in a future classroom using VR goggles

Will elearning replace the traditional classroom? Can student engagement be improved? What is the relationship between the future of the classroom and student engagement?

Deepak Reddy asked these questions back in 2018 by covering three main points summarised below. Read the full article here.

The Current Classroom — Lack of engagement is the classroom is a continuous challenge. It is easy for a student to be distracted and lose their attention while listening to a teacher. If a student misses a teaching point (and if they are afraid to ask a question) then the student can miss important concepts and fall behind in their learning.

The Emergence of eLearning  — A social network with communication between peers is essential for learning. eLearning has to find a way to mimic this interaction. With elearning the teacher can provide quality feedback using the elearning tools to determine student engagement, also saving time, which allows the teacher to spend more time customising content for the individual learner. This should lead to improved learning outcomes.

The Future Classroom — eLearning that promotes self-instruction can lead to improved learner engagement. eLearning that caters for students learning speed, interests and location ensures a student can learn what they want and from wherever they want. Mobility and access to education is the future of learning. This shouldn’t prevent classroom teaching, but instead empower it because the aim of a self-instruction teaching strategy is to create the best learning environment possible.W

Related elearning experiences: Gamification Trends, The Future of Learning, Virtual Worlds.

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