
Online Facilitator


When it comes to elearning, one of the most important skills for a guide, also known as an online facilitator is the ability to create engaging experiences that keep students interested and motivated. By using creative approaches and incorporating multimedia elements into their lessons, online facilitators can ensure that students stay engaged and learn effectively. In addition, they can also help to foster a collaborative and cooperative elearning environment by providing opportunities for students to work together. By making use of elearning tools and techniques, online facilitators can provide an enjoyable and productive learning experience for all students.

An online facilitator is a key figure in elearning, as they are skilled at using learning experiences to ensure student engagement who’s main aim is “to offer support and advice when needed and to provide the necessary scaffolding and teaching of skills when necessary.”[1] In other words, online facilitators help students to make the most of the elearning experience by offering guidance and support when needed, while also ensuring that students have the opportunity to develop their skills.

An online facilitator is not just a teacher, a trainer, or a lecturer; a facilitator is all of these roles simultaneously. A facilitator guides students through the elearning process to ensure content is learned. Support is provided to ensure students understand the online content first and secondly provide learning experiences that give the students opportunity to demonstrate their newly acquired knowledge. A facilitator facilitates the discussion in asynchronous learning events such as threaded discussions, chat sessions, and webinars. They also use elearning tools such as videos, blogs, wikis, and social media to support student understanding and acquisition of content. An online facilitator creates an environment that is conducive to learning by providing structure and support while also allowing for learner autonomy. Their role is crucial in online courses and cannot be underestimated. A well-designed online course will have a balance of instructor-led activities and independent learner activities, and the instructor will play the role of both guide and coach throughout the course and offering guidance.

In order to manage and engage online students, an online facilitator’s skills are essential. By providing guidance and scaffolding, students have the opportunity to develop their skills. Do you want to know more? Contact us for more information about our elearning services that can help your organization achieve its goals.

[1] ACER, 2016. The teacher as a facilitator and resource person. Accessed February 18, 2017 from https://www.teachermagazine.com.au/article/the-teacher-as-a-facilitator-and-resource-person

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