Social Interactions

Social Interaction

social interactions between people using technology

elearning, is the process of delivering education and training through digital media. It has become an important part of corporate training programs in recent years. elearning can provide employees with access to learning opportunities anytime and anywhere. But online collaboration is just as important an aspect of elearning as the delivery of content. In this blog post, we’ll explore the benefits of social interaction in elearning environments. We’ll also look at ways to encourage social interaction among learners.

Social interaction is an important aspect of elearning. Social Interaction happens via an elearning that replicates a face-to-face workshop. “Even as early as 1930 Vygotsky identifies the importance of social interaction in the learning process.[1] It is essential that students engage in the learning process with each other to maximise learning potential. Elearning provides an asynchronous environment where learning can take place at the learners’ pace and convenience. Social interaction in an elearning context happens via forums, webinars, blogs, wikis, and discussion boards. In order to create successful social interaction experiences in an elearning context, it is important to provide opportunities for learners to interact with each other around the content. Social interaction allows learners to share their ideas and experiences, ask questions, and receive feedback from their peers. It is a powerful tool for fostering active and engaged learning. When designed and implemented effectively, social interaction can play a key role in enhancing the learning experience and promoting student success.

According to Cohen, “Students learn a great deal by explaining their ideas to others and by participating in activities in which they can learn from their peers.”[2] Time within an elearning collaborative environment ensures students can work together to engage with their peers. Working together in a collaborative environment is an important part of the learning process. This type of peer-to-peer conversation is essential for supporting individual student learning. By collaborating with others, students can develop a deeper understanding of the material and gain new insights into the subject matter. In addition, collaboration can help students to develop important skills such as communication and problem-solving. Therefore, it is essential that students have time within an elearning environment to work together and engage in collaboration.

Engaging with peers is an important part of the learning process. When students are actively engaged with the material, they are more likely to retain information and develop a deeper understanding of the concepts being taught.  “Active learning means students engage with the material, participate in the class, and collaborate with each other.”[3] Engagement also helps to promote collaboration and teamwork among classmates. Furthermore, active participation in the class makes learning more enjoyable and can help prevent boredom. Ultimately, by ensuring that students are actively engaged in their learning, we can help them get the most out of their education.

Social interaction is an important part of the learning process, and this can be best supported by using collaborative online communication tools and a collaborative elearning environment. By working together in these environments, students are able to support each other’s individual learning needs. If you want to know more about how social interaction can benefit your elearning program, please contact us for more information. We would be happy to discuss our services with you and answer any questions you may have.

This elearning experience integrates well with: Future Classrooms; The Future Of Learning.

[1] Mcloud, S. A., 2014. Lev Vygotsky. Accessed Feburary 18, 2017.

[2] Ruth Cohen, Jane Sampson. 2012. Peer Learning in Higher Education: Learning From & With Each Other. Edited by David Bond. Sterling, VA: Stylus Publishing Inc.

[3] Stanford University, 2017. Promoting Active Learning. Accessed February 18, 2017 from

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